Double fries (Best Seller Menu) with big size frenchfries and 6 signature sauce. Starting price 29.- baht. Profit for franchisee is about 120%
Cheese ball and big french fries (Cheese ball with real mozzerella cheese) top with our signature sauces. Starting price 39.- Profit for franchisee is about 100%.
Enjoy our Korean Style corndog! Top with 6 signature sauces. Corndogs is made with chicken sausage and perfect batter. Starting from 15.- only. Profit per serving: 120%
Korean Chic Fried with 4 signature glazing sauces : BBQ, Hot&Spicy, Soy Garlic and korean Chilli flavored. Starting from 39.- only. Profit per serve is about 133%.
Morning Sandwich, Just Grab and Go! With the orginal salad cream and bakery shreded dried pork make your perfect meal. Starting from 19.- only. Profit 80% per serve
Nugget Bomb Fries (Nugget with sweet chilli sauce inside). New and Surprise!! Dont forget to top with our 6 signature sauces to boost flavor and taste. Starting from 39.- only. Profit per serve is approximately 116%